The Sparrow Rises Again Help Nioh

Nioh DLC Pack 2 Defiant Honor Trophy Guide

Nioh Defiant Honor

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Welcome to the Nioh DLC Pack 2 Defiant Honor Trophy Guide.

Defiant Honor is the second of 3 DLC packs for Nioh and as has become to be expected, the difficulty has been raised significantly.

You will get a new weapon to help you through your adventures, the Tonfa, a dual wielding block of wood that can pack a serious punch in the right hands.

Here is the complete Guide to help you through this DLC Pack.

Infiltrating Sanada Maru


Infiltrating Sanada Maru
Completed the mission "The Siege of Osaka (Winter)."

This mission can be a rough one, see the British Militarism Bronze Image PS Guide to see how best to remove the archers if the arrow volleys are giving you grief.

Make your way through the trenches heading right then once at the third shrine, go through to the village, they are dogs here which if they see you they will howl bringing every enemy in the vicinity to your position so take them out with ranged weapons.

Head around and up the tree, drop down and go through to the boss who is an incredibly fast.

Tonfa wielding Ninja who utilises every trick in the book to take you down.

Use lightning to slow him down and ensure you have a fully charged living weapon  before going into the fight.

Once Sarutobi Sasuke has been defeated, the mission will complete and your Trophy will unlock.

Gesture of Reconciliation


Gesture of Reconciliation
Completed "Scion of Virtue."

Another mission that rewrites the difficulty handbook. On Way of the Samurai, the recommended level is 200.

I recommend you go a good way above this as this mission is just packed full of high powered enemies, most of which mob you given half the chance, combine that with a lot of ground to cover in between shrines and you could find yourself very short on Elixirs a lot sooner than you'd hope for.

Proceed through the mission to the camp then drop down the well to the right, make your way through this area to come back outside, from here, go up and around to the boss fight.

This guy is incredibly challenging, he uses fire based attacks that include heavy damage combos, a dive bomb attack which can one shot you, ranged attacks and a Guardian Spirit that makes yours look like a you.

Employ lightning or water based attacks / living weapon to stand a chance here, combine those with buffs / debuffs and you should have Sanada Yukimura downed soon enough
Defeat Yukimura to complete the mission and unlock your Trophy.

Known the Land Over


Known the Land Over
Completed all missions in the "Siege of Osaka (Winter)" chapter.

There are a handful of missions to complete in the Siege of Osaka (Winter) Region, all of which will unlock as you complete the unlocked missions as they become available.

In addition to the main and sub missions, you will also need to complete 1 Twilight and 1 Dojo Mission, the Twilight Mission, The Crimson Fortress will unlock once you complete the, The Siege of Osaka (Winter), level 180 main mission and the Dojo mission, The Dancing Tonfa will unlock once you hit 500,000 proficiency with your Tonfa.

To see your current proficiency level, press the GGGULTRATP then GGGULTRAR1 through the tabs to the Status screen, press GGGULTRAR1 again to come to the Additional Stats screen, look to the bottom of the screen for your current Tonfa Proficiency.

The missions you will need to complete and a brief overview of how to do so are as follows.

The Siege of Osaka (Winter)

Level 180 Main Mission.
Head through the
trenches  taking care not to be hit by the arrow volleys  until you get to the village.

From here, go up and over the fallen tree , drop down and go through to the end to face off against Sarutobi Sasuke , an incredibly powerful Tonfa wielding Ninjitsu Master .

Take him down to complete the mission.

Scion of Virtue

Level 200 Main Mission.
Go through the mission to the red camp then duck down into the well over to the right side, take care of the enemies down here and make your way through and back outside.

From here, head around the area to face off against Sanada Yukimura, a very powerful fire based boss who can easily one-shot you with a diving attack as well as unleash heavy hitting combos.

Bring a lightning based living weapon to slow him allowing you to get more hits in. Take down Sanada Yukimura to complete the mission.

The Dragon Returns

Level 175 Sub Mission.
You will need to fight and defeat a very high powered
Date Masamune who is a lot more powerful than he was in the Dragon of the North DLC.

Drop him to complete the mission.

Art Imitates Life

Level 185 Sub Mission.
Go through the area to the final section through the trenches where a series of yokai will spawn.

Take them all out then head through to the back area, search the corpse then collect the, The Battle at Sanada Maru to complete the mission.

Dance of the Yokai

Level 190 Sub Mission.
Head through the mission going around the
statues that disappear and reappear to where the Karasu Tengu is, go pass it then defeat the Mages, head down the stairs with the red pillars wither side of them.

Take out every yokai / Mage down here then search the corpse to the left of the central area to find the Gate Tower Key.

Use the Key on the back doors, go through and take out every yokai / Mage / Fox Spirit to complete the mission.


Level 205 Sub Mission.
Take on and defeat the Odachi master, Sasaki Kojiro to complete the mission.

Crimson Will

Level 210 Sub Mission.
Proceed through the mission taking out every yokai, Ninja and NPC that spawns to complete the mission.

The Sparrow Flies Again

Level 215 Sub Mission.
This mission will see you face off against Katakura Shigenaga, Date Shigezane then Date Masamune back to back with no shrine.

Bring a lightning living weapon with you to help slow them down and have plenty of large spirit stones equipped as shortcuts to help recharge your living weapon.

Take down all 3 bosses to complete the mission.

Dancing Tonfa

Level 100 Dojo Mission.
Hattori Hanzo is the master you'll need to defeat in this mission a master Tonfa  wielder who utilises lethal combos.

Try and dodge behind him where you'll be able to punish, defeat him to complete the mission.

The Crimson Fortress

Level 195 Twilight Mission.
You will need to complete the,
The Siege of Osaka (Winter), level 180 main mission in order to unlock this Twilight mission.

Complete every mission listed above in the Siege of Osaka (Winter) Region to unlock your Trophy.

Beyond Death's Door


Beyond Death's Door
Completed all missions in the "Siege of Osaka (Winter)" chapter on Way of the Demon.

You have 2 main, 6 sub, 1 Dojo and 1 Twilight mission(s) to complete in the Siege of Osaka (Winter) Region, the lowest of which is level 625 meaning you are going to need to do some serious grinding in order to be powerful enough to stand a chance of getting through including holding some very powerful divine gear.

Please see the Known The land Over guide to see the missions you need to complete, once you have completed them all on Way of the Demon, your Trophy will unlock.

Battlefield Guide


Battlefield Guide
Collected all Kodama in the "Siege of Osaka (Winter)" chapter.

Tonfa Master


Tonfa Master
Acquired mystic art for the tonfa.

You will need a Tonfa weapon for this, any one will do then go off and use the tonfa (can be one tonfa or a combination of different tonfa) until you reach 500,000 proficiency.

You can check your tonfa proficiency level by pressing the GGGULTRATP to open the menu then selecting Status, press GGGULTRAR1 until you get to the Additional Stats screen where your current weapon proficiencies will be displayed.

Once you have achieved 500,000 proficiency for your tonfa, you will need to go the map then select the Dojo from the Starting Point.

You will need to complete the mission, The Dancing Tonfa which will see you face off against Hattori Hanzo, defeat him to earn your mystic art which can then be set in the Learn Skills option from the menu.

You have a choice of 2 mystic arts for the tonfa which are;

  • Apocalypse
    Increases damage from tonfa when you perform a series of consecutive attacks.
  • Kannagi
    Allows you to cancel out of a tonfa technique using Demon Dance.

Choose either of these 2 mystic arts to unlock your Trophy.

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness


Cleanliness is Next to Godliness
Bathed in every hot spring in the "Siege of Osaka (Winter)" chapter.

In total, there are 4 Hot Springs to find in the Siege of Osaka (Winter) Region, to use one, you simply need to get into the Hot Spring then hold GGGULTRACC in order to "bathe" in the Spring.

The Hot Springs can be found at the following Missions / locations.

Hot Spring 1

The Siege of Osaka (Winter), Level 180 Main Mission.
Proceed through the mission to the village, go up and over the fallen tree then into the first building on your right where you will come to a Nurikabe against the back wall, get pass it using either Gestures or combat.

Once you are through you will see the Hot Spring to your right.

Hot Spring 2

Scion of Virtue, Level 200 Main Mission.
Continue through the mission to the second set of caves (after you drop down the well), then go pass the Kusarigama Brave, continue up through the caves to come to a series of doors either side, go pass the Odachi Brave to the last doorway on your left.

Part of the wall on the right is a Nurikabe, get pass it using either Gestures or combat, once pass the Nurikabe you will come to the Hot Spring.

Hot Spring 3

Dance of the Yokai, Level 190 Sub Mission.
Go through the level pass the statues that disappear to where you fight the Karasu Tengu (unmissable).

Once it's defeated go to the back rock wall to find a Nurikabe, get pass it using either Gestures or combat. Once pass the Nurikabe, go up the stairs to the end to find the Hot Spring.

Once you have " bathed " in all 3 Hot Springs , your Trophy will unlock.

Tonfa Triumph


Tonfa Triumph
Defeated Sarutobi Sasuke in the mission "The Siege of Osaka (Winter)" using only tonfa. (Cannot use a Visitor / Companion.)

I recommend getting the Tonfa Master Trophy done and out of the way before you attempt this as you will have become more than adept at using Tonfa.

Surotobi Satsuke is a challenging fight whichever way you look at it, he's fast, knows every Tonfa trick there is and employs a full range of Ninjitsu which rarely misses.

You aren't able to use any Ninjitsu, Onmyo, items or any other weapons apart from the Tonfa to take Sarutobi down so over level yourself if you rely on buffs / debuffs usually.

Once you have defeated Sarutobi Satsuke using only the Tonfa, your Trophy will unlock.

Master of the Twin Sticks


Master of the Twin Sticks
Defeated Ganryu's Sasaki Kojiro using only Dual Wooden Swords. (Cannot use a Visitor / Companion.)

First up, you will need to get a set of Wooden Dual Swords which you can get in the, Level 155, Marobashi which is a sub mission found in the Tokai Region.

This mission will see you face off against a series of "masters" the most important one is the second, Ashikaga Yoshiteru as he is the only one in the mission that can drop wooden Dual Swords.

To increase your chances of getting one to drop, collect every Kodama in the Tokai Region (click the link to go to the Kodama Leader Trophy Guide to find their locations) then at a shrine, select the Swordsman Blessing from the Receive Kodama.

Blessing section to increase weapon drop rate by up to 5%.

Once you have the Dual Wooden Swords, head to the Ganryu mission in the Siege of Osaka (Winter) Region. Ensure you have the Wooden Dual Swords equipped then start the fight.

It is important to note you aren't allowed to use any buffs / debuffs, items or any other weapons in order to take down Sasaki Kojiro meaning this fight will be tough.

Over level your character considerably for this fight to have an easier time of it and only use Elixirs when you have to.

Defeat Sasaki Kojiro in the Ganryu mission with wooden Dual Swords to unlock your Trophy.

British Militarism


British Militarism
Used all the culverins in the mission "The Siege of Osaka (Winter)."

This mission is a rough one due to the fire arrow volleys that will constant come your way.

To stop them from happening, from the start of the mission, sprint forward into the first trench, go left speaking with the NPC to receive x2 Giant Cannonball then go down the trench taking your second left.

Defeat the red Soldiers then go and interact with the cannon to destroy the first set of archers. From the first cannon, head right and go around through the trench to the open area where a Namahage will spawn.

Sprint across the bridge to the second shrine then go right, left up the stairs then haul ass left to the wooden barricade before the next volley comes down.

Make your way around to the left taking out the Soldier with the Axe, climb the ladder and interact with the cannon to take out the next set of archers.

Next up, drop down into the large trench under where you fired the cannons, take out every enemy down here, then fully heal before you go up the ladder, the third Giant Cannonball is on a corpse just off to the right pass the first fire on the floor just to the right of a barricade.

You will need to be quick here as the third arrow volleys come with a flaming cannonball as well which can ruin your health.

As soon as you have the third Giant Cannonball, sprint forward and right into the trench, go forward and up the stairs, use the Cannon to finally destroy the arrow volleys giving you an easier time getting through the mission.

Will of the Sanada


Will of the Sanada
Defeated all of Sanada's Ten Braves in "Scion of Virtue."

In total, there are 9 Braves to kill, not the Ten Braves that the Trophy Description would have you believe as in Japanese History, the Leader and therefore the Tenth Brave is / was Sarutobi Sasuke, the boss that you will have fought in the Siege of Osaka (Winter) level 180 main mission.

You will know when you have killed a "Brave" as firstly, they will be a lot tougher than any other standard (non yokai / boss) enemy in the mission, they will also have a line of dialogue once defeated.

The 9 Braves can be found in the following locations throughout the Scion of Virtue mission;

First Brave, Spear Master

Head through the caves  and up the ramp  to the end to find the first brave , a master spearman . He's impossible to miss.

Second Brave, Dual Sword Master

Head through the army camp in between the second and third sections where you will come to this Dual Sword brave. He's impossible to miss.

Third Brave, Kusarigama Master

Go pass the watchtower in the third section of the Army camp then go right into the small arena. Take the Kusarigama brave down where you will receive the Fortress Keychain.

Fourth Brave, Sword Master

From the Third Braves' location, come out and go left at the watchtower to find the Brave.

Fifth Brave, Kusarigama Master

Drop down the well from the Fourth Braves' location, head through to face the brave. He's impossible to miss.

Sixth Brave, Odachi Master

Head up through the level to where the locked doors are either side of the cavern, to the left side will be the Odachi wielding Brave.

Take care here as there are several Soldiers close by.

Seventh Brave, Tonfa Master

Come out of the caves then head up and around, aggro the dog where the Tonfa Brave will drop down.

Take out the other Soldiers then head back on yourself to fight the Brave behind the watchtower to avoid the archers from above.

Eighth Brave, Axe Master

Proceed through the mission where you will face the Axe Brave, he's impossible to miss.

Ninth Brave, Sword Master

Just after the shrine before the Sanada Yukimura boss fight will be the sword wielding brave. He's impossible to miss.

Once you have defeated all 9 Braves, your Trophy will unlock.

From Heaven on High


From Heaven on High
Completed "The Sparrow Flies Again."

The Sparrow Flies Again is one of the toughest missions in the DLC as you need to take down 3 bosses back to back starting with, Katakura Shigenaga , who has ranged Soldiers  as back up so drop the Soldiers  first to have an easier time of the fight.

Once Katakura  has been dealt with, Date Shigezane  will then spawn, avoid his ranged attacks and don't get grabbed, take him out to then fight Date Masamune  who is very high powered, fast as you like and can cover distance in a flash.

There is no shrine  in this mission so what you start with is what you have, I recommend a fire / lightning living weapon  and as many buffs  / debuffs as you can carry.

Defeat Date Masamune  to complete the mission.

Holy Trinity


Holy Trinity
Equipped the Kusanagi Tsurugi, Yasakani Magatama, and Yata Mirror.

These items are 3 of the rarest in the game and could potentially take a long time to farm.

Here is my best take on how to find all 3 of them;

Kusunagi Tsurugi

The Kusanagi Tsurugi is a divine sword that you can acquire by farming the Marobashi mission on Way of the Strong or above.

Defeat the final enemy, Yagyu Sekishusai, a master swordsman in the mission to hopefully have the Kusunagi Tsurugi drop for you sooner rather than later.

Yasakani Magatama

As for the Yasakani Magatama and the Yata Mirror, these are both divine accessories the Yasakani Magatama has a rare chance of dropping from any enhanced (red) yokai  which can be found on Way of the Demon or above.

Yata Mirror

The Yata Mirror is an extremely rare drop which will unfortunately, drop when it drops, I have had 3 for me, 1 from an enhanced Yoki, one from an enhanced Namahage and a standard Skeleton Warrior.

The only consistent element for me was the fact that all 3 dropped on Way of the  Wise  which will unlock once you have completed the main game on the Way of the Demon difficulty.

So unfortunately, there's no definitive "go here, do that for this guide" just keep defeating yokai preferably enhanced until you receive the Yasakani Magatama and the Yata Mirror.

Once you have the sword  and the 2 accessories , equip them all to unlock your Trophy.

That's the Nioh DLC Pack 2 Defiant Honor Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the pack.
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