Crossing the Line Pg Students Conference at the Edinburgh College of Arts 2015

Education team

Didactics team

Professor Siân Bayne

Director of Education, EFI
  • Professor of Digital Didactics
  • Managing director Centre for Inquiry in Digital Teaching
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Siân is Professor of Digital Education and Director of Pedagogy at the Edinburgh Futures Institute. She directs the Heart for Research in Digital Educational activity, where her research is currently focused on higher didactics futures, interdisciplinary approaches to researching digital education and digital pedagogy.

Sabine Rolle

EFI Undergraduate Provision
  • Dean of Undergraduate Education for CAHSS
  • Email: britain

Sabine is pb for the Edinburgh Futures Institute undergraduate provision and Dean of Undergraduate Education for the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. She is based in the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures where she is a Senior Lecturer in German language.

Tom Ward

Caput of Education Administration and Change Management
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Tom is on secondment from his substantive role as the University'southward Director of Academic Services. He brings 15 years' experience of academic governance and quality balls, pupil administration, change management, and recruitment and admissions, across a range of areas in the University.

Sarah Harvey

Pedagogy Administration and Change Managing director
  • Email: Sarah.Harvey@ed.air

Sarah's roles are project management of the Education project, and to provide the authoritative support and infrastructure to deliver EFI Pedagogy's programmes and ambitions. She brings a number of years' feel in education administration and management, particularly postgraduate taught, from diverse schools across the University.

Eilidh Morrison

Projection Coordinator
  • Email: E.Morrison@ed.air conditioning.great britain

Eilidh coordinates education projects for the team. Working with Tom and Sarah, she supports the development of EFI's portfolio of programmes. Responsibilities include marketplace research, analysis and reporting, stakeholder engagement and facilitation, and general support for curriculum delivery. Eilidh'southward background is in sustainability, previously working for a consultancy in London.

Russell McAdam

Education Marketing Officer
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Russell is an experienced marketing professional who joins Edinburgh Futures Institute from the University of Glasgow where he led in the development and implementation of Open up Studies student recruitment and marketing strategy. Drawing on his experience, Russell's focus is on designing and delivering marketing action for EFI'southward education portfolio to a broad range of stakeholders.

Edinburgh Futures Institute Fellows

EFI postgraduate programmes are existence adult by a large team of academic Fellows from beyond the Academy.

Dr Anna Vaninskaya

Future Storytelling plan
  • Senior Lecturer in English language Literature, School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
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Anna Vaninskaya is a Senior Lecturer in English Literature and the author of two monographs: William Morris and the Thought of Community (2010) and Fantasies of Time and Decease (2020), as well every bit over 40 manufactures, volume chapters and special journal problems on nineteenth and twentieth-century literature, politics and history. She is the creator of the 'Scotland-Russia: Cultural Encounters Since 1900' archive.

Dr Juli Qermezi Huang

Inclusive Societies programme
  • Lecturer in Anthropology of Evolution
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Juli Qermezi Huang is an economical anthropologist whose enquiry focuses on social enterprise and the use of new technologies, data, and markets for poverty alleviation. With data scientists, social enterprise practitioners and policy makers, she is currently developing a comparative and interdisciplinary research projection on the everyday data practices of social enterprises in Bangladesh and Scotland.

Dr Jean-Benoît Falisse

Inclusive Societies program
  • Senior Lecturer, School of Social and Political Science
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Jean-Benoît Falisse is a lecturer in African Studies and International Evolution. His piece of work looks at the political economy and governance of basic social services in 'fragile' and conflict-afflicted societies. He has been working with and for governmental and not-governmental organisations in the African Smashing Lakes region since 2009.

Dr Jen Ross

Futurity Pedagogy programme
  • Senior Lecturer, Moray House School of Instruction and Sport
  • Co-director, Heart for Enquiry in Digital Education
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Jen Ross is senior lecturer in Digital Education, co-director of the Eye for Research in Digital Education, and co-ordinator of the Digital Cultural Heritage cluster in the Center for Information, Civilization and Society and the Digital Cultural Heritage Research Network. Her research interests include digital cultures in didactics, pedagogy and heritage futures, open and online distance education, and digital cultural heritage learning.

Dr John Brennan

Future Sustainability plan
  • MSc and Senior Lecturer, Environmental Design, Edinburgh Higher of Art
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John Brennan is a practicing architect. He has worked in the sustainable built environs for 30 years and has won the Saltire Lodge award for Housing Design. John established the University'south postgraduate programmes in Advanced Sustainable Blueprint. John uses his built work to validate research that combines qualitative and quantitative methods. His research and teaching reflects how design practice tin generate long term adaptability, good for you workplaces and resilient settlements.

Dr Kirsteen Shields

Future Sustainability programme
  • Lecturer in International Police and Nutrient Security, Global Academy of Agriculture and Nutrient Security
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Kirsteen Shields is a homo rights law expert with a PhD in international law and governance. She is a lecturer in international law and food security at the University of Edinburgh, at the Global Academy of Agronomics and Food Security. She was the recipient of the Royal Club of Edinburgh / Fulbright award for research on food and land reform at Berkeley, University of California 2017/18.

Professor Candace Jones

Creative Industries plan
  • Chair of Global Creative Enterprise, University of Edinburgh Business Schoolhouse
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Candace Jones' research interests include creative industries and professional services from the lenses of networks, vocabularies, institutional logics, and materiality. She has published on a range of creative industries, including moving picture, music, architects and architecture in top journals. She organized and co-convened the Creative Industries subtheme at EGOS (European Group of Organisation Studies) with Silviya Velikova Svejenova and Jesper Strandgaard Pederson from 2002-2016.

Professor Laura Cram

Hereafter Governance program
  • Professor of European Politics, School of Social and Political Science
  • Director, NRlabs Neuropolitics Enquiry
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Laura Cram is Professor of European Politics and Manager of NRlabs Neuropolitics Research. Her lab uses social computational and experimental approaches, including fMRI encephalon-imaging, to get 'under the hood' of political attitudes, identities and behaviours – exploring, for example, how insights from cognitive neuroscience might inform contemporary debates on the Brexit outcome. She is co-editor of Government and Opposition.

Professor Shannon Vallor

Data Ideals
  • School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences
  • Manager, Center for Technomoral Futures
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Shannon Vallor is Professor in Philosophy and the Baillie Gifford Chair in the Ethics of Data and Artificial Intelligence at the Edinburgh Futures Constitute, where she directs the Centre for Technomoral Futures. Her research explores the touch on of new information-driven technologies upon human moral character and capabilities, and promotes the integration of ethical knowledge and skill in technical domains.

Professor Stephen Osborne

Service Management and Design programme
  • Professor of International Public Management, University of Edinburgh Business concern School
  • Manager, Centre for Service Excellence
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Professor Osborne's areas of expertise include service design, public service reform, innovation and change in public services, and the office of the third sector in public service delivery. The focus of his piece of work is the internationally award winning Public Service Logic framework. Editor of the journal Public Direction Review, he is a Fellow of the U.k. Academy of Social Sciences, the founder and kickoff President of the International Inquiry Club for Public Management.

Professor Chris Speed

Service Management and Design programme
  • Chair of Design Informatics, Academy of Edinburgh
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Chris Speed's research focuses upon the Network Society, Digital Art and Engineering science, and the Internet of Things. Professor Speed has sustained a critical enquiry into how network technology can engage with the fields of fine art, design and social experience through a diverseness of international digital fine art exhibitions, funded research projects, books journals and conferences. He is associated with the Edinburgh College of Art's programmes in Pattern Informatics.

Professor Sarah Kettley

Futurity Design programme
  • Chair of Material and Blueprint Innovation, School of Design, Edinburgh Higher of Fine art
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Sarah Kettley is Managing director of the RAFT research grouping at Edinburgh College of Art. She is a Fellow of the U.k. Higher Didactics Academy and a founder member of the interdisciplinary Arcintex enquiry network. Her areas of expertise include inquiry-through-design, craft as a methodology for clothing technologies, the anthropology of arts and crafts and blueprint, the Person-Centred Arroyo as an upstanding participatory design framework, and design for mental health and wellbeing.

Dr Paul Kosmetatos

Future Economy programme
  • Lecturer, School of History, Classics and Archaeology
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Jane McKie

EFI shared core
  • Senior Lecturer, School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
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Jane McKie's first collection, Morocco Rococo (Cinnamon Printing), was awarded the 2008 Sundial/Scottish Arts Quango prize for best first volume of 2007. Her other publications include When the Sun Turns Greenish (Polygon, 2009), Gardens of Bedsteads (Mariscat, 2011) which was a Poetry Volume Society pamphlet choice, Kitsune (2015), and From the Wonder Book of Would Your Believe Information technology? (2016).

Dr Stuart King

EFI shared core
  • Lecturer, School of Mathematics
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A lecturer in Mathematics, Stuart King joined the Schoolhouse of Mathematics at the Academy of Edinburgh as 2015. He is a fellow member of the Applied and Computational Mathematics inquiry grouping. He has worked as a Teaching and Research Fellow inside the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of St Andrews, as well as a member of the Vortex Dynamics enquiry grouping in Practical Mathematics.

Dr Larissa Pschetz

EFI shared core
  • Lecturer, Design Informatics and Product Design, Schoolhouse of Design, Edinburgh College of Art
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Larissa Pschetz is a researcher and lecturer in Design Informatics and Product Design. Her research focuses on Interaction Pattern and related areas of Human being-Computer Interaction, Social Sciences and Humanities. She completed a Microsoft-funded PhD in 2014, where she coined the term "Temporal Design" to describe a blueprint approach that looks at fourth dimension as emerging out of relations between cultural, social, economic and political forces.

Dr Michael Herrman

EFI shared core
  • Lectureship in Robotics, School of Computer science
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Michael Herrman is an Acquaintance Member of the Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation, a Member of the Institute of Perception, Activeness and Behaviour and Deputy Director of CDT in Robotics & Democratic Systems [2014-22]. His research interests include: democratic robots, robot swarms, biorobotics, prosthetics, computational neuroscience, self-organised criticality, neural avalanches and fields and biomedical information processing.

Dr Drew Hemment

EFI shared core
  • Chancellor's Fellow and Reader, Edinburgh Futures Institute / School of Design, Edinburgh College of Art
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Drew Hemment is an creative person, designer and bookish researcher. He is Project Atomic number 82 (PI) of the GROW Observatory (H2020, €5.1m), which is mobilising thousands of citizens beyond Europe in generating, sharing and using data in social club to improve food product practices and scientific understanding of extreme climate phenomena. Drew founded FutureEverything, the U.k.'southward annual festival of digital culture, which named by The Guardian every bit ane of the height ten ideas festivals in the world (2012), and is a hub for digital culture and artists globally.

Dr Elizabeth Petcu

Cantankerous-cut course evolution
  • Lecturer in Architectural History, Edinburgh Higher of Art
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Elizabeth J. Petcu is an historian of early on modern art and architectural culture in Europe and Latin America. Her work probes the interplay betwixt architecture and other media equally well as strategies for imitating nature during the emergence of global compages. Elizabeth's scholarship on architecture's intercultural dynamics draws on a mixed training in the Anglophone and German spheres.

Dr Maurizio Tomasella

Cantankerous-cutting course development
  • Lecturer in Direction Science, University of Edinburgh Concern School
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