Planning to haversack Kingdom of spain anytime presently? Well, permit me give you a little advice. Spain is not simply i country, allow lone one civilisation, and there are some do's and dont's when visiting Spain… which is why I have written a guide with 33 awesome Spain travel tips!

You see, Spain is a diverse, multicultural land made up of 17 regions. Each region has its own traditions, nutrient, fine art, and cultural etiquette. Telephone call a Catalan a Spaniard or disrespect a Basque, and well, you lot may learn a few swear words in a new linguistic communication.

On the other mitt, read my 33 Kingdom of spain travel tips earlier you travel to the Iberian Peninsula, and you'll avoid some awkward situations. Plus, yous accept a meliorate chance at actually understanding the people of Spain whilst making some new friends along the way.

Without further farewell here are my essential Spain travel tips:

1. Have a (basic) understanding of the region(s) in Spain yous plan to visit

This is one of my most important Spain travel tips. There are 17 autonomous regions, and two democratic cities: Ceuta and Melilla, in Espana. Each of these regions has their own characteristics, festivities, and traditional food. V of them have their own languages, and all of them have their own Castilian dialects.

For example, the Castilian accent in Andalusia (a region in southern Spain) is quite different from anywhere else in Spain. When I lived in Barcelona, they would poke fun at the dialects down south.

Types of nutrient, cultural events, and more will vary widely besides depending on the region, and I'll cover specifics in my other Espana travel tips.

Though i example I volition talk about now is bullfighting. While bullfighting is a huge tradition in many regions of Kingdom of spain, it was banned in Catalonia years ago. Simply considering we – tourists – think of this cultural tradition as Castilian doesn't mean information technology is part of every region'due south civilisation, let solitary every city in one region.

Do a bit of research before showing up to Spain, and testify some respect to the regional differences. Misinformed comments about a Spaniard's region of origin is considered offensive (for case, mistaking a Basque for an Andulucián).

Some inquiry and understanding will ensure a more culturally enriching feel in Spain!

ronda Spain bullfighting ring
Bullfighting Ring in Ronda, Espana

2. Spain doesn't but speak Spanish

Speaking of the different regions in Espana, in that location are 6 official languages in Spain. Most people who live in Espana speak Castilian, though it is calledCastillian Spanish, but five regions have their own language and speakCastillian Spanish every bit a second language to their native tongue.

In Catalonia (the region where Barcelona is located), they speak Catalan. In Galicia, they speak Galician. In San Sebastian and Bilbao of the Basque region, they speak Basque. Then there is Aragonese, Astur and Leonese spoken in their respective regions too.

Basically, just considering y'all are backpacking Espana, doesn't hateful solely Spanish will become you by. It's worth learning a few bones words in a region's first language also.

salamanca spain
Beautiful Salamanca, Beautiful Spain <3

3. Spanish people are proud

I haven't traveled to many countries in this world whose people are as proud the Spanish are. And frankly, it's not necessarily national pride. In fact, many semi-autonomous regions, like the Basque country and Catalonia, would rather existindependent of Spain, which is a controversial topic in itself.

(Catalonia voted for independence from Spain in 2017, only the Spanish government has no involvement in letting this happen. Cue the controversy.)

I attended a National Day of Catalonia (held on September 11th each year) back in 2013, and in that location were hundreds of thousands of people in the streets proudly waving their Catalonian flags whilst their painted faces sported yellowish and scarlet.

Catalonia flag in Catalonia
The Catalonia flag is waved proudly in this region.

four. Kingdom of spain summers are not for the faint of heart

If yous are traveling to primal or southern Spain in summer, be prepared to have a lot of siestas. Trust me, sightseeing in the brutally hot summertime afternoons is non fun.

Temperatures in Seville and Cordoba regularly reach 100+ F (twoscore c) degrees during July and Baronial, so unless you're hitting a beach boondocks, island, or the Costa del Sol, I advise planning your Spain trip for another fourth dimension if possible!

beach spain
Summer in Espana? Get yourself to a beach, pronto!

5. Siestas aren't necessarily for napping, though they are for taking a interruption

The excruciating summer weather I just mentioned definitely explains why everything closes down in the afternoons for what tourists know every bit siestas. That being said, do not assume everyone is dwelling house sleeping, every bit this can exist considered quite offensive.

Certain regions in Espana (the hotter ones) and certain seasons (*summer*) take an afternoon intermission to escape the oestrus. In Spain, it's pretty common to shut down shop, head home for dejeuner, spend time with your family or grab acafécito with friends, and yes, maybe fifty-fifty take a nap.

Apart from the biggest stores and restaurants that cater specifically to tourists, shops shut downward around ii pm for around 2-3 hours.  My suggestion is to do as the Spanish do, and take a mid-twenty-four hour period break yourself.

Even in Barcelona, a massive metropolis that isn't necessarily "traditionally Spain", local shops close down near the urban center center in the afternoons.

6. Speaking of time, become with the menstruum in Spain

I tin't tell you lot how many times I take had misunderstandings about coming together times with Spaniards, whether information technology'southward for dinner, checking into an apartment/Airbnb, etc.

In Spain, punctuality is different, especially for social events, though this isnon the case is for work and schoolhouse. I studied in Espana for a few months, and punctuality was extremely important to my professors.

7. Perhaps don't visit Spain in summertime unless…

I mentioned earlier that summer in Kingdom of spain is unbearably hot for sightseeing. Well, this is all the more than reason to visit Espana in the spring or autumn, when temperatures are comfortable and the international tourism crowds have mostly dispersed.

In my experience, there are far fewer tourists in Spain between September and November, and Feb and April (except for Holy Week when domestic tourists are traveling for holiday).

Moreover, if you are backpacking Spain on a budget, I highly recommend visiting Spain when accommodation is significantly cheaper i.east. non summer, Christmas, or Holy Calendar week. (For more than data on the best and affordable hostels in Madrid, Barcelona, and Seville, and Valencia, run into the links.)

If you like colder weather and very affordable skiing, visit Spain in the winter and head to the Pyrenees or the Sierra Nevada!

On the other manus, you should definitely travel to Spain in the summer if you are visiting the northern parts of Spain that come across much more than pelting than the rest of the country (Asturia, Galicia, etc.), the mountains specifically for hiking or climbing, or the beach for Kingdom of spain'southward best parties (like Barcelona or Ibiza).

pyrenees by france
The Pyrenees by French republic are quite beautiful in summertime!
Photograph: Myrabella (WikiCommons)

I accept traveled to multiple regions in Spain: Catalonia, Andalusia, Valencia, Madrid, etc. and ane affair anybody seems to have in common is socializing over drinks, whether it'due south java or something stronger, and food of course.

Walk down any street in Spain – grand avenues and side aisle streets akin – and it volition be lined with cafés and bars seating Spaniards at all times of the mean solar day, a drink in one paw and a cigarette in some other.

nine. Spanish people too like to stay out belatedly

And on the discipline of socializing, Spaniards run on a completely different clock than us mere humans. In Kingdom of spain, restaurants may close down in the afternoons, but they stay open much afterward. It is mutual to stay out past midnight on a weeknight, and until the sun rises on the weekends.

It isn't so much that people are getting wasted, Spaniards just similar to eat and drink over quality conversation and time with their friends. They likewise like to stay out late dancing the night abroad.

Don't be surprised if you speedily adapt to the Spanish way of life. Information technology'due south easy for time to escape y'all in Espana, and an early on nighttime to turn into a 4 am walk domicile. Espana really does some of the all-time nightlife in Europe. You lot'll find mega nightclubs in the cities year-round, live music and salsa clubs, quirky bars, and more than.

tapas spain
Tapas, porfis!
Photo: Jerome Strauss (Flickr)

ten. Don't expect to swallow dinner until 9 pm

Meal times in Spain go a lot subsequently than other countries. Most people in Kingdom of spain eat a small breakfast – if anything at all, usually just a small loving cup of coffee – and then eat their biggest meal of the solar day, lunch, between two-4. Then they eat dinner around nine pm or later!

Information technology's common for families with children and older people to be out until midnight on Saturdays, eating dinner with friends and family.

11. Being vegan in Spain is difficult

Ah, speaking of food. Pretty much all traditional Spanish food, no matter the region, revolves effectually an fauna product: pork, seafood, eggs, etc. It is quite difficult to be vegetarian, permit alone vegan, in many regions of Espana, especially in Spain'due south smaller towns and rural areas.

That'due south not to say you can't eat vegetarian, or that there aren't vegans in Spain, just the traditional food in Spain does tend to involve meat. Even in Granada, a metropolis that sees quite a few tourists, many tapas confined' idea of "vegetarian" is tuna. Yep.

My Spain travel tips for vegetarians and vegans are to cook for yourself as often every bit possible and seek out vegan specific restaurants in the primary cities. There are plenty of options in places like Madrid and Barcelona; you just might need to plan alee. As for the tapas culture, yous may be eating a lot of olives andpatatas bravas (fried cut potatoes with sauce).

12. Spaniards beloved theirjamón

Speaking of meat, practise not be surprised to run into pig legs hanging around only about everywhere: grocery stores, restaurants, bars, and fifty-fifty in gas stations!Jamón is a traditional part of Spanish cuisine simply near everywhere.

I recently learned that ane of the main reasons pork legs hang in windows andjamón (ham) is such a cornerstone of Castilian food stems from the times of the Spanish Inquisition when the Catholic Church building was persecuting non-Catholics.

This included Moors who practiced Islam and did non eat pork. Every bit a way of proving you were Catholic and therefore not opposed to eating pork, you would hang a pork leg outside your window to show your loyalty to the Church building.

jamon spain

13. Swallow gratis tapas in the due south of Spain

While most of Spain consumes quite a bit ofjamón,it'south Andalusia that still serves free tapas. The city of Granada, specifically, nevertheless serves a gratuitous tapas with every ordered drink.

The more than drinks you order, the more food you go, so you can basically eat dinner for free while communicable a buzz. Tapas bar life is a large part of the social life in Granada and Andalusia in general.

In other parts of Spain, however, practice non expect free tapas. Bars may all the same serve small plates of olives,bocadillos (little sandwiches) etc. but information technology won't be free. The idea of a "tapas bar" in other regions of Spain is mostly for tourists.

14. Pintxos are the snack in the north

Liketapas are to Andulucía, pintxos are to Basque country. They are a quick snack to have over drinks. They aren't free, but they are usually inexpensive – well-nigh 1-ii euros per pintxo.

pintxos spain
Mmmmm…. Pintxos

15. Breakfast is Non the biggest meal of the day

On the discipline of food, you may take already gathered that lunch and dinner are important meals in Spain, so breakfast sort of falls apartment. Most people do not consume much, if anything, for breakfast in Espana, though Madrid and Barcelona volition still have some pretty skillful brunch spots from my feel.

Typical breakfast foods in Espana include a pan con tomate (toasted bread with tomato), eggs, and coffee (always).

16. Eat a Tortilla de Patata for breakfast

Oh, and speaking of breakfast… the tortilla de patata is the best breakfast nutrient in Espana. Throughout Spain, though especially in Andulusia and specifically Córdoba, the tortilla de patata(Spanish omelet with potatoes) is famous and thankfully very delicious.

You lot'll discover these in just virtually every restaurant, hole-in-the-walls and fancy ones alike. They are fabricated with eggs, potatoes, and onions, table salt, andlots of olive oil. Making this omelet is not as simple every bit it sounds, all the same, every bit yous can read hither.

17. And eat p aellain Valencia

Well, actually y'all can observe adeptpaellapretty much anywhere in Spain at the right eatery. The bestpaella I've had in Spain was in Madrid, though it still doesn't tiptop my mom's (a recipe given to her by her Castilian friend I'll add).

But this astonishing dish originates from Valencia, and you will discover some of the BEST paellashere. In my experience, the clandestine to corkingpaella are the proportions of dissimilar meat and seafood (too much or too fiddling can make it also fishy), and the timing of which y'all add each ingredient to the pan.

What's paella, you ask?

Paella is Spain's most famous dish
Paella is one of Spain'south nigh famous dish!

eighteen. Effort the regional food

A final tip on food I swear! I've covered a lot of famous regional dishes above, but I want to highlight that the food really does range quite a bit by region in Spain. I propose request for local recommendations because the quality of food varies widely. There areso many restaurants in every Spanish urban center, so a local will assist you narrow down the best ones.

But aye, eat tapas in Granada andpaellain Valencia. Swallow seafood in Galicia andchurros con chocolate in Madrid.

19. Don't only visit the cities in Spain

Yes, Madrid and Barcelona are epic and deserve a spot on your Europe backpacking itinerary, but there is and then much more than to Spain than these 2 major cities.

If you lot haven't figured it out already, Spain is incredibly diverse, both culturally and geographically. The south and north are worlds apart: one is dry and hot, the other light-green and rainy. One is a hiker's paradise, and the other more for the city slicker.

I of my most crucial Kingdom of spain travel tips for a trip to Espana is to visit at to the lowest degree two regions to get a gustatory modality of the diversity in this state! Moreover, do not forget to venture out and visit the charming villages and countryside that make up Spain's dazzler and culture, away from the tourists.

20. Don't forget to get isle hopping in Spain

The Balearic and Canary Islands of Spain are completely different than the mainland. Some islands cater to tourists with resort packages, and others are much more than laidback.

A few islands are perfect for relaxing on beaches while others are better for cliff jumping, like Formentera, or exploring the interior's rolling hills. Some are great for families, and others for partying with your friends, like Ibiza.

best beaches in Spain
Cute waters among the Castilian Islands!

21. Walk the Camino de Santiago in Spain

What began equally a pilgrimage trail hundreds of years ago is now as well traveled past hikers from effectually the globe. The Camino de Santiago is one of the most famous walks in the world. For many, this is all the same a personal pilgrimage, and every walker has their reason for walking 500 miles or more to the cathedral in the urban center of Santiago.

If you have the fourth dimension, I highly advise walking El Camino while backpacking in Espana. There'south very little technical walking on the main Camino routes —you'll mostly be on well-maintained tracks or pavement and stay in hostels in towns forth the route.

22. Don't Forget about the mountains in Kingdom of spain

And speaking of the Camino, which ofttimes starts in the Pyrenees, Spain is home to more than just beach towns and cities. There is actually quite a bit to see in the mountains.

You have the Pyrenees which border Espana (abode to smashing hiking and climbing), the Sierra Nevada in Andalusia, and the green Picos de Europa in the northwest regions of Espana. These are all wonderful destinations for hiking, culture, and history.

In the wintertime, you can fifty-fifty ski in the Pyrenees and the Sierra Nevada.

andalucia sierra spain
Not merely Pyrenees hither. This is Andalucia's Sierra Nevada.
Photo: Antonio Morales (WikiCommons)

23. Most of Spain is Catholic

Spain can be a very religious country, especially among older people, and then be respectful when yous are around places of religious significance, and perhaps don't article of clothing shorts in a cathedral.

24. The southward of Espana has been influenced by Moorish civilization every bit much as Cosmic

In the Andalusia region, you will see Moorish architectural influence even more than Catholic influence. In that location is the cute Alhambra in Granada, the Real Alcazar in Seville, and incredible Mezquita in Cordoba. All three of these sights arewell worth seeing by the way.

spain travel tips for Granada
The Alhambra in Granada from afar. Make sure to pay and go inside!

25. Close physical contact and prolonged eye contact are totally normal in Spain

Tourists may feel a flake uncomfortable at first, but middle contact with strangers, on say public transportation, is considered pretty normal. It took me a couple months to become used to the longer than comfortable stare downs with people sitting across from me on the metro.

Furthermore, information technology is polite to kiss on the cheek when greeting acquaintances and friends akin. Kiss the person'south correct cheek outset (the cheek on your left).

26. The train isn't cheap

Train travel in Spain is awesome, merely Kingdom of spain'due south Renfe rail network can be expensive, peculiarly if you book a ticket last minute! If you lot are going to take a high-speed train ride, make sure to book information technology far in advance.

That said, sometimes the Eurail Pass is a slap-up option for traveling around Europe! (UK and European residents: make certain to use Interrail.) I wrote an entire post on how to utilize train travel in Europe cheaply and efficiently.

train spain

27. Utilize many modes of transport to get around Spain

If you're backpacking Kingdom of spain on a upkeep, here are a few of my Spain travel tips for getting around. Forth with reading my tip to a higher place about the train network, consider the double-decker, ridesharing, and even hitchhiking to go on costs low.

Espana's long-distance buses are clean and comfortable. Book with ALSA to get the best bargains. I have also used BlaBlaCar every bit my main mode of transportation in Spain. This is a popular car-sharing app that works out to be cheaper than taking the railroad train or autobus. Plus, it's easy to book a seat last infinitesimal.

If all else fails, hitchhiking culture isn't uncommon in Kingdom of spain, though not every bit mutual as say, France. My chief tips for hitchhiking in Spain: stick to service stations and know some Castilian phrases! As well, try to avoid hitchhiking during thesiesta (from xiv:00 to 17:00).

28. Kingdom of spain is relatively affordable

All of this talk about affordable modes of send in Spain brings me to my adjacent tip. This country is relatively affordable to travel in, especially if y'all are traveling outside of the major cities. Y'all will, however, blow your budget if you lot are paying for entree to height tourist attractions everyday, eating out around the chief tourist plazas, and partying your life away every nighttime.

My top backpacker tips are: consume the meal of the day for tiffin and cook for yourself often, walk, hitting upwards museums when they offering free access, indulge in the tapas life, drink the local stuff, visit smaller towns and villages, and visit Kingdom of spain outside of summertime.

29. Take hold of a flamenco show in Andalusia

You tin can catch shows in Madrid or Barcelona – usually in a theater or fancier venue – just the spiritual domicile of Flamenco resides in the Andalusia region, like Seville, Granada, and Cadiz. In these cities, especially Seville, yous can find an excellent range of flamenco shows for every budget and atmosphere.

In fact, in my experience, the people of Cadizbeloved to dance: salsa, flamenco, you proper noun it. Yous can seek out some amazing dancing clubs in this university town (and some awesome hostels to kicking!).

flamenco show
Flamenco dancing vibes.

30. Spotter for pickpockets in the large cities

Madrid and Barcelona are dwelling to some of the best pickpocketers in the world. Unfortunately for you, they generally target naive tourists. Do not – under any circumstance – carry your wallet in your back pocket or an open/unzipped handbag, particularly in theplazas and on public transportation.

31. No need to overtip in Spain

Waiters in Spain earn a living wage and practise not depend on tipping. If someone goes to a higher place and across to help you, information technology'south honestly not for a tip and you're not expected to leave anything.

If you really feel like your waiter deserves a tip, and so go ahead an go out one. Some waiters might be offended, but most will probably exist appreciative. That said, it seems like waiters in high-finish or touristy restaurants seem more than likely to await a 10% tip.

32. Y'all have to ask for your check at dinner

When it comes to cultural taboos in Spain, hither is one of my about important Spain travel tips for tourists. Do not be offended by the lack of attention or service at a restaurant.

In Spain, it's considered rude to rush a group out of a restaurant, so you may "served" as often as y'all are used to in, say, the US. You lot will have to go out of your mode to ask your waiter for another drink or the check. In Spain, it's common to sit down at your table eating and drinking for hours and ask for your check to go out once y'all're done.

33. Brand certain to catch a festival in Spain

One of the coolest parts of the culture in Espana is simply how much they love to gloat. Each region in Spain has a special annual festival, ranging from religious holidays, cultural events, all-night parties, and internationally acclaimed music festivals. If you lot happen to cross ane of these while backpacking Spain, Become!

Below is my list of the all-time festivals in Espana:

Carnaval: 47 days before Easter Sunday, this vacation often involves parades, and the best places to take hold of Carnaval are Cádiz and Sitges.

Las Fallas de San José: Over several days of dancing and drinking, each neighborhood in Valencia, Spain buildsfallas (huge sculptures of paper mâché on wood) which are subsequently burned in the streets. If yous need accommodation for Las Fallas de San Jose festival, check out our guide on where to stay in Valencia.

best festivals in Spain
Pictured above is a parade of the fallas made by unlike neighborhoods in Valencia. They are burned throughout the city at the end of the week.

Semana Santa: Holy Week is historic all over Espana, and y'all would exist wise to book your accommodation well in advance since many Spanish people will be traveling during this time.

Feria de Abril: This is a weeklong party in Seville where locals clothes upward in their traditional finery and ride around the city. There are massive parties late into the night.

Fiesta de San Isidro: Thisfiesta takes place in May in Madrid. Locals dress upwards in traditional costumes and celebrate with bullfights all month.

Batalla del Vino (Wine Battle): Every year, La Rioja hosts of a boxing of the wines on June 29th, where the participants have vino fights while drinking wine, of class.

Running of the Bulls: This is a weeklong festival and party in Pamplona, Spain. Each day there is a running of the bulls where locals (and tourists) exercise equally the name suggests, run with – should I say from – the bulls. (The anti-bullfighting upshot, the Running of the Nudes, takes place two days earlier.)Looking for Pamplona hostels?

La Tomatina:Thisis a festival held in the Valencian town of Buñol where participants have an all-out tomato throwing food fight.

Tomatina Festival in Spain
The aftermath of La Tomatina Festival…

Final thoughts on my practice'south and don'ts when visiting Spain

I hope my 33 Spain travel tips accept been enlightening and informational! At that place are certain food and cultural taboos in Spain, too every bit cultural etiquette to know about the many regions in Spain. If we missed annihilation, allow the states know in the comments below! Happy traveling!

Thank you for reading – that was fun! 😀

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