How Do You Know if Your Husband Is Pretending to Be in Love With You Forex Amanda Time

Services › Anti-Spam › Online scams

The following letters are suspected scams the Section has been made enlightened of and are listed beneath to assistance you lot avoid them.

Links to scam web pages take been removed and spaces have been added to e-mail addresses to ensure they practise not become hyperlinks.

You tin can complain nearly unsolicited commercial electronic messages you accept received past electronic mail, TXT (mobile/smart phone) bulletin, or fax (facsimile) past sending your scam reports to:

Please annotation, the Department does non investigate unsolicited phone calls, postal mail or pop-upward letters.

  • Reported online scams from previous years

Lotto Scam

Image of mobile phone text message reads: Dear DIA. We tried to call you Monday but with no luck - Please read our message when possible

What is it?

Individuals have been targeted by a large SMS text entrada claiming to offer them discounted Lotto tickets, or other inexpensive items such as the latest smartphone. While the SMS bulletin listed above does not mention Lotto, if the target clicks the link it will redirect them to a well-constructed webpage advertising Lotto tickets at a discounted price.

The webpage will prompt the target to answer several questions before asking for credit carte du jour details. The scammer volition and so use this information to accuse to the credit card or on-sell this information.
A web page with with the URL:, displaying an image of LOTTO tickets, LOTTO power balls and a car, and the words: Play Lotto for 2 weeks for only $1. Win $4 Million Jackpot and have a chance to win BMW X5 xDrive45

What to await out for?

  • These SMS text campaigns are well crafted and tailored to the recipient, often using the recipient's name. They mention a contest, runway and trace parcel, or other matter forth with a randomised hyperlink.
  • Expect for anything that'due south out of character, unexpected and doesn't seem right.
  • Never click a hyperlink in a spam message – fifty-fifty if it looks legitimate.
  • If you recollect it may exist legitimate, double-cheque with the company that supposedly sent it through their official channels. For example, for the in a higher place Lotto letters, contact Lotto NZ directly via their official telephone number or e-mail address on their official website to verify.

BitFit Messages

Image of mobile phone text message reads:We have been trying to get ahold of you. Your submission will reset at 4pm if not confirmed. Login

What is information technology?

The Department has received numerous complaints near individuals being referred to a platform known as BitFit. At this stage the Section cannot confirm that individuals are beingness scammed however the information existence shared on the site leads the Department to propose against any engagement with this Platform as there is a high risk of fiscal loss.

The target will receive a text message with a link that directs to a webpage formatted every bit a news article outlining which outlines the financial benefits associated in investing in cryptocurrency through BitFit. The webpage volition inform the target how they tin can easily make money past trading in cryptocurrency on the platform and provide steps on how to sign up and start "investing". Public reporting suggests that whatever money provided by the target is not invested in whatsoever way and the scammers will persistently SMS, Email and call the target enticing them to invest more.

Image of scrollingscreen of fake bitfit web page.

What to await out for?

  • The SMS text bulletin may use broken English with poor grammar that you would not expect from a legitimate company attempting to solicit business from the public.
  • The link directs the target to a well-made webpage that appears to be a legitimate news website, however if you attempt to explore the website, many of the links that would typically direct yous to other areas are "dead links" and do non take yous anywhere. This is a great sign that something regarding the webpage is suspicious
  • If yous receive a bulletin you recall may be a scam, do your due diligence and search google for information on the 'offer' before clicking whatsoever hyperlink or giving over whatsoever personal information.

Employment Scam

Email from George Wills - Shell Oil Company. Subject: NEW EMPLOYMENT PROPOSITION: 24102020. Body text: Dear Expert, I hope this email finds you in good health. We are glad to use this means of communication...(etc.)...Human Resources Dept.(Shell logo)

What is it?

Individuals accept been targeted by phishing campaigns offering employment opportunities with reputable companies. In the to a higher place example, the electronic mail appears to be sent from Vanquish Oil Visitor advertizement a position of employment to the target.

The scammer requests personal information that yous would typically wait throughout the process of employment nonetheless if the target was to engage with the sender the following scenarios would occur:

ane. The sender would reply dorsum with one or more attachments challenge these are an employment contract or other similar documentation. These attachments will comprise harmful malware that if opened or executed will infect the targets figurer.
2. The sender volition proceed to engage with the target and eventually offer employment to the target, ask them to complete documentation including personal data such as their bank details. The scammer may then sell-on this information.
3. The sender will continue to engage with the target and eventually offer employment to the target, asking them to pay a fee of some kind via credit carte du jour. The scammer will use this data to charge to the credit menu or sell-on the credit carte information.

What to look out for? have practiced information almost how individuals can avert applying for fake jobs. This includes:

1. Enquiry the company who announced to have offered a task. Contact the organisation directly through the publicly listed data available on their corporate website to confirm the authenticity of an advertizing before supplying whatsoever information.
two. Call the New Zealand number provided in the advertising. In many cases scammers include fake New Zealand phone numbers. Phone call the number to check if at that place is a dial tone
three. Read the information contained in the comments of where the advertizement was posted to encounter if someone has already flagged this as fake or suspicious

Help and Guidance

If yous take been targeted by an email or text phishing campaign, you can report it to our team hither. Nosotros have too created a factsheet that provides more information about what to do if you lot receive spam.

For more data most how to stay safe online and avoid being exposed to spam and online scams you can visit our webpage here .

How Do You Know if Your Husband Is Pretending to Be in Love With You Forex Amanda Time


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